Sunday, November 20, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Man celeb crush

After many years of having a huge celeb man crush on Sean Connery, I have switched to Alan Rickman. Some bias may be involved because he stars in my favorite movie but for now we will push that aside. I liked him when I first saw Sense and Sensibility, but I couldn't commit because of Sean's daper english accent. "Bond, James Bond." But what truly won me over was this.

He loves Harry just as much as I do.


Life feels a little like this.

Like it did today.

Tis the season...

for these bad boys of creamy deliciousness. I'm obsessed.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Just because it's Halloween

I ran the Provo Halloween Half. 13.1 miles. 2 hours. 9 minutes.

My roommate Alli and my friend Ben somehow convinced me that running a half would be a good idea. I was skeptical. Still I paid my fees and planned on training. The training part, it never happened. I have known about this race for 10, yes 10 weeks, I still had plenty of time to get in shape. Well we all know how time has a way of speeding up when we don't want to do anything. About two weeks before I ran my first run (besides my 2.8 miles for the relay) which was about 4.8 miles. The next Tuesday I ran 5, I know this only because I made my mom come pick me up so I could measure. I felt good. I didn't feel out of shape, and supposedly the course was all down hill. Now I had run a couple of 2 milers and a few 5ks but nothing that pushed me. On Friday we drove down and stayed with my sister. Saturday we woke up at 5 and loaded the buses at 5:30. The race didn't start until 9 so we waited in the warming tent. It wasn't very warm. 9 o'clock rolled around and we were off. I pushed my body as hard as I dared, I not for having a heart attack in my 20s. 2 hours later we were finished. At the finish line someone handed me a medal, congrats you finished. I stretched a lot, found my team and then tried to relax VERY tense muscles. Let the pain begin. I couldn't walk properly for about 3 days after, and when I moved it was really, really slow. Worth it? Absolutely. If I do another one, I think I will train for it.