Thursday, September 30, 2010

Work On The Brain

Lately I have been having some really weird dreams. Its like those ones that you are half dreaming half reality. I don't know why maybe its because I don't sleep my regular hours anymore, or I have to many things on my mind when I fall asleep but I always wake up feeling really confused, and sometimes in different places then when I fell asleep. Like the other day I woke up laying on the bathroom floor. Weird I know. But what really made me think I am going crazy is Wednesday morning my alarm clock starting going off and me still be in the half dead mode, answered it and said "Thank you for calling Fred Meyer. This is Chelsey. How can I help you!?!" I couldn't understand why the noise wouldn't stop. Finally I came to and realized I was talking to my alarm clock. Even when I am fully awake I keep doing strange things. Like putting the milk in the cupboard with the cereal. Classic. I thought to myself, self you are awesome at life. I knew this day would come but I never thought it would be so soon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Temple to Temple Relay

37.5 Miles, 8 girls, 2 Temples Rexburg to Idaho Falls, 1 great experience. This thing was killer. I am NOT a runner. A sprinter yes, runner no. I was told when I agreed to do this that I would be running about 4.5 miles, not to bad, but for me thats like a marathon. So thats what I trained for, I ate healthy, went running, did many ab workouts, I could have done better sure, but I felt pretty good about the shape I was in. Two days before the race, a girl on my relay team informed me I was running the 6th leg which was 6.8 miles. WHAT!?! Holy Kracker Jacks! I have never run that far, I am quite the pansy when it comes to running and this was surely going to be my downfall. But atlast race day arrived, we were team What the Hill!?! dressed in green shirts and matching head bands. As I encouraged runners 1-5 to keep running, I was getting anxious. Surely I was going to die. I just knew it. I got the nervous pees about 50 times and I finally just decided that if I had to pee during the race, I was just going to have to pee my pants. Finally it was my turn I grabbed the baton, turned on the Ipod, and started running. I kept running, and running, and still I was running. It was windy, hot and I just wanted to be done. Did I mention I hate running. I got passed by a few guys, who told me not to give up, which at this point I seriously considered jumping on one of their backs for a piggy back ride. After about and hour of running I saw the exchange zone, sweet freedom. I passed off the slap bracelet and gulped down lots of water and applied some lip balm. Yum. Then I went with the rest of my team to cheer on the last two runners. As a team we ran the last little bit together and crossed the finish line at the Idaho Falls Temple. We did it! My team was so amazing, I am so proud of what we all accomplished. I love them all. Thanks ladies for giving me one of the greatest experiences of my life.Go NicoleShelb WebbShae was the super star of the team Just Starting
That cop was going to pull me over because I was running too Fast : ) My mom is awesome. She gave me water when I was parched. Final Stretch.


Aisha-You can do anything good. YEAH!

Team What the Hill!?!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Feel the Power

For the last week I have been helping out with the Get Connected program at BYU-Idaho. What a great experience it was. A definite testimony builder. There are two parts which are I-Team leaders (Orange) or I-Reps (Blue). I was an I-Rep, we were the behind the scene people. It all started last Friday and ended at 11:00 last night. Week was full of Spirit Conference, logistics training, meeting new people, mentor meetings, games, talent shows, really early mornings, setting up, taking down, helping new students, answering parent's questions, teaching, and a whole lot of fun. The best part is having the power to make a difference in someone elses life, and also that people told me I looked like someone who was in charge because I had a name tag and a polo on. It was truly an amazing experience and I can not wait for winter semester when I get to do it all over again! And I am so sad because I forgot my camera until yesterday so I have almost zero pictures. Sad day.