It turns out that Idaho Falls has all sorts of little fun runs that you can do. Like they have one for every occasion, it is so cool. I just wish I knew about all of them before now. The Turkey Trot was on Thanksgiving morning so we (Amy, Brittany, and I) decided it would be perfect to run it seeing how they would be home for Thanksgiving. Little did we know that when we signed up for it, the ground would be covered in snow, and it was going to be 2 degrees. In other words it was FREEZING! But so much fun. It wasn't that hard of a race and I was able to run the whole thing despite the weather. There were quite a few people out ready to run it with us. They even got the missionaries to come and help direct us where to go. You could tell that some of them were seeing snow and below freezing temperatures for the first time in there lives! WE got to get our picture taken with the Turkey man and everything. It was so much fun, the path was so so beautiful all white and snow covered, and I am so thankful that I got to run it with my sisters! I love them! 
Oval Extension Dining Table
5 years ago