My life is amazing. I am getting an amazing education, I have amazing family and friends, and I have had so many amazing experiences. This last semester I decided I wanted to be a mentor for the Get Connected program on campus, however when I looked into it all of the positions had been filled. About 5 weeks into the semester however one of the mentors dropped meaning that a position needed to be filled, well seeing how one of my good friends is on council I had an in, she put my name on the list and I was called in for an interview. I got the position. For the rest of the semester I spent and hour every other Thursday preparing to teach other volunteers who would in turn teach the incoming Freshmen. It was quite the process. I was assigned a partner. Jared Fowler is his name, he is amazing as well. Just saying. We spent many hours going over the talks that we would base our lessons off of. Finally first day of Spirit Conference came, and we got to meet all of our volunteers. Spirit Conference went by in a blur, when I wish time would slow down it has a weird way of speeding up. Those two days were full of laughter, tears, learning the Hoe Down Throw Down, and starting to walk more fully in Christ's footsteps. It came to an end way to fast. Before I knew it I found myself helping my kids through the spirit challenge. A whole experience in its own, and so amazing to experience it from the other side. It is safe to say I ended up in tears as we closed spirit conference. Don't fret. I still had four more days with the people that I have come to love. Friday was the first day Jared and I had to leave our "kids" and let them out into the world. We were there for any questions they might have, but for the most part our job was done. We spent the next few days, just wandering around laughing, talking, and taking supplies to those registering and directing new freshmen. It was great. The whole experience it taught me so much about myself and the reason I am on this earth. I love everyone I got to serve with, we have known eachother less than a week, but they have become some of my best friends. When I went to turn my shirt in it I met one of my volunteers and she noted how she didn't know what to do without the shirt. I told her "Aly, it is not the shirt that holds the power it is you, the shirt is simply an accessory of the power that you hold to make the difference." I didn't realize how true it was but just because I was no longer dressed in my uniform didn't mean I could no longer make a difference. Oh I how I miss this experience already. The Lord knew I needed this for my improvement and put me in the right place at the right time. Sorry for the lengthy post, but really I could go on forever.
Mentor Group 2 - Spirit Conference
Mentor Group 2 - Appreciation Dinner
Jared Fowler and I - Mentors