The power of a hug is enormous. Yesterday was a crazy day, we had our kick-off party for Get Connected and Student Ambassadors and before that could happen we had to go get enough volunteers so we had to blitz apartment complexes all over Rexburg. I had been on campus since 8:00 going to class, meeting with my group, and getting recruits I did all this while maintaining a smile on my face and the enthusiam required for the event. I was feeling a little in adequate so I said a small little pray in my head that I could get through the day. Two minutes later one of my good friends walked by my booth and without saying anything gave me one of the best hugs I have ever received, I felt my problems dissolve, and I was reminded of why I was here and why I was volunteering in the first place. What came next made my day he said "Did you know that you are wonderful?" I needed that almost more than I needed the hug. I continue to amaze myself when I don't think of a prayer at first, I feel that if I just did it before life would be a whole lot more simple. Lesson learned. Moral of the story give a hug whenever you can.
Oh I love this! Love you!