Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Robin Hood Premiere

Midnight + Costumes + Friends = A night of AWESOMENESS!

Midnight premieres have never been my favorite thing, I am girl who loves her sleep and lets face it movies are just as good in the daylight hours. But I made an exception, we went to the new Robin Hood movie. I must admit it was totally worth it. In order to get the full effect we dressed up, I was Maid Marian, Kale was Prince Jon, Paige was Robin Hood, and Kailey was Friar Tuck. We looked awesome. We got there about 11 o'clock and ofcourse there was a huge line, and believe it or not, we were the only ones dressed up! Lame, I know! People looked at us like we were crazy, and I am sure they thought we were just imature high school students. Little do they know! The night was a success, I loved the Movie I would definitely see it again and I encourage all to see it!

We are as the army of Helaman

Oh what do you do in Rexburg? It's three o'clock, you are done with class, its 70 degrees outside, I think that this is the perfect time to....have a sword fight on campus! Yup thats right, a sword fight. My roomates and I went to Walgreens and there they had the most amazing swords for a low price of $3.99, it was totally worth it. They became a automatic hit within the apartment, and to show how much we all loved eachother we would randomly start hitting eachother as if we were in battle. Thats when we came up with the great idea to have an epic battle in the Taylor Quad it was warm outside so we knew people would be out and about. We dressed in a white shirt, jeans, sword, and the final touch a colorful bandana. We tucked our swords into our belts and headed out. You can imagine the stares we got, 6 girls all dressed alike, and carrying swords, if that doesn't say gang then I don't know what does. We got to our destination and the the first battle raged, I was victorious, 5 girls down and I was left standing! Next we decided to make our way into the MC where there is a little stage (right in the middle of everyone) where people can perform, we took the opportunity, it was short but I think we made very admirable performers! I think its safe to say that we had made ourselves known on campus, I still don't know if its a good thing, but hey its college and you only live once. So thats what you do in Rexburg, when its warm and school is out for the weekend!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Things You Learn

I have been humbled. Lately it seems I have been complaining about anything and everthing. A few examples: Why does everything have to be so hard? My homework seems to be piling up and I just can't get caught up OR we have nothing "good" to eat, even though our pantry is full of food, its just not what I want OR I wish I had cuter clothes, Ive had these since high school (can you believe it a whole year) or I don't want to work out tonight I am so tired. I think its safe to say that I needed a wake up call. In Social Problems our professor gave us a statistic that every 3 seconds someone starves to death, our homework (it was optional) for that night was to go buy a candy bar, and see how many people died as we ate the $0.75 candy bar. 15. Thats how many people starved to death while I ate a bar of chocolate. My eyes have been opened in so many ways, in every class it seems we talk about what is happening in third world countries, and it amazes me that I still have the need to complain about my life. I have an awesome family, friends I wouldn't trade anything for, I have never gone hungry, I've lived in a house my whole life, I've always had clothes, I have arms and legs, I have the opportunity to attend college, and I belong to the True Church. Life is SOO good. Everyday I have to remind myself where my blessings come from, and remember to thank him, that I am alive and healthy. Yes. I have been humbled.