Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Robin Hood Premiere

Midnight + Costumes + Friends = A night of AWESOMENESS!

Midnight premieres have never been my favorite thing, I am girl who loves her sleep and lets face it movies are just as good in the daylight hours. But I made an exception, we went to the new Robin Hood movie. I must admit it was totally worth it. In order to get the full effect we dressed up, I was Maid Marian, Kale was Prince Jon, Paige was Robin Hood, and Kailey was Friar Tuck. We looked awesome. We got there about 11 o'clock and ofcourse there was a huge line, and believe it or not, we were the only ones dressed up! Lame, I know! People looked at us like we were crazy, and I am sure they thought we were just imature high school students. Little do they know! The night was a success, I loved the Movie I would definitely see it again and I encourage all to see it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chelly-- I found your blog through Amy's. So hope you don't mind that I'm blogstalking you now.

    Your costumes are so cute. I'm glad to hear a good review of Robin Hood-- I'm excited to see it.
