I have this bad habit of watching people, it's not my fault, if people didn't act the way they do I would not have to watch them. However, I was sitting at my study (observation) bench where when it is warm outside I go and study (watch people), and decided people are weird. They say weird things, do weird things, and the weird thing is, those weird people think they are normal. I see someone doing something that I would consider to be violating the code of societal conduct, and then I cast judgment, stereotypically classifying them as different, or in the case of this blog, weird. Today I thought to myself I really wonder what their parents taught them to make them act like that, must have been a weird family, like really what kind of example was set in their home? It made me start to think, weird I know, about the way I acted, I like to think that I was raised in a normal home, my parents are normal, but then I think about what I have become. It made me laugh, because I realized well I am one of the weirder ones, I am a 20 year old college student who scooters on campus, runs around bare foot, plays duck duck goose on the library quad, had a sword fight in the same location, laughs hysterically at the dumbest things, says random things, doorbell ditches the guy I have a mega crush on, runs for fun, studies till late at night, gallops on my way to class, sings in the middle of the crossroads, cries in the park, takes walks by myself, and a million other things that others consider to be super weird. I however think I am one hundred percent normal. So moral of the story, everyone is weird but dont worry it is normal to be weird.
PS Is weird not a weird word? This world we live in is a weird place for sure.