Thursday, June 30, 2011

A visit

My mom had an eye appointment in Rexburg today so she came over to visit and take me out to lunch. We walked to the I-center and I showed her the auditorium, I love watching peoples face the first time they see it. So amazing. We went out to Gator Jack's Sandwhich Shack for food. It is one of my favorites. Then she came to meet all of my friends on council. I love that I have friends for her to meet. It is a good feeling. I love that I was excited for her to visit even though home is only a half an hour away and I can see her anytime I want. It was just great.

Rexburg Rapids

Rexburg has a water park! Complete with a lazy river, two water slides, a fun area for the kids to play, and a climbing wall in one of the pools. It opened last Friday, so that is what we did in order to celebrate Alli's 20th birthday. It was freezing, and they have an insane amount of rules, but it was still so fun. Also what is a birthday without a cake? We did not have time to bake one and the one we found was cheap, it was an ice cream cake on sale at DQ because it was made for Fathers day. We just had to improvise a little. Good thing Alli understands our humor.


It was senior citizen day in the office for our night shift. This is me and my council partner Eddie in say the next 50 years. I sure do love my life.

Lookin good.

Little Gifts

I like to think that I am strong. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and well I am working on spiritually. I like to think that I can withstand huge amounts of pressure and not even crack. I can pretend I am fine when I am not, I can pretend everything is okay when really there is a huge cloud blocking my sunshine. I am okay with pretending to be happy when really I feel like crying, however even the infamous Achilles had his breaking point. Mine just happened to be a little farther north than my heel. Lately I have been having a lot of bad days. I just cannot seem to get a grip on life. It's like everytime I progress a little I also go 3 steps backwards. Unfortunately there comes a day when one to many cherries are put on the sundae, my "heel" was hit. I went into a test feeling fairly confident, however coming out and seeing my score was a completely different story. My score was far below what it needed to be in order to raise my grade. Without even knowing what was going on I felt tears pouring down my face I put on my hood, and walked to council, I had myself mostly under control when I walked into the office, and my voice only cracked a little as I shared my good moment of the day. I made it half way through the prayer before the tears started to fall again. I kept my head down and waited for them to dry. Someone addressed a question to me, so naturally I looked up and answered, I saw the same look of worry on every face. My council knows my personality well enough to know that when I cry something is wrong. It is not something that happens often in public. They kept there cool, only Heather approached me after to ask what was up, I told her it had just been one of those days. Everyone else on my council simply gave me a hug. I went about my day, worked on homework, and went and played games with some of my friends, all in all I wast starting to feel better. I came home and found a boquet of flowers and a note that says "we love you Chelsey" I have no idea who it was, nor do I want to know. Little acts of love, that go really far. It made my day a little brighter. I love Rexburg. I love the people that I get the opportunity to work with everyday.

Water Wonders

Egian Lake is a little beach located at the base of the St. Anthony sand dunes. One fine summery day we were feeling extremely hot, and so instead of doing the looming mounds of homework in which I had accumulated from the week previous, we hit up the watery oasis 20 miles north of town. It was the best worst idea ever. So very fun, with the water only being waste deep at the deepest part, it is not much for swimming as it is for playing around splashing, jumping, builidng sand castles, or playing frisbee or football in the water. It was such a nice way to spend a warm summery June day in Rexburg. Life is perfect.

New People

"I've heard it said, that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn" this is a phrase that I constantly think to myself, or sometimes I will even voice it outloud. It is something I have struggled with, not so much the whole thing about people coming into our lives with purpose, but more so finding the reason they are there. This year has been a year where I have had hundreds of people come into my life. Some are more like aquaintances with little dim lights of influence on my life, these are the people I met in the halls, or talked to on the side of the road, or the new students I helped during get connected. Then there are the ones who I have learned maybe one or two lessons from, perhaps they said something interesting that really made me think, their lights are brighter and a little stronger, they are my fellow classmates, or perhaps kids in my ward or FHE group. This brings me to the last group, the people that have changed or influenced the way live and view my life. This group consists of my get connected family, council, roommates, and those I consider my best friends. Their influence are the ones that burn the brightest. I sometimes wonder what I am suppose to learn from people, like every person I meet is brought to teach me some magnificent lesson. Not until recently did I realize that even the smallest lessons, can still be lessons learned. There are people who have made huge impacts on my life this year, some have come and left, some I have known previously, and some still are impacting my life everyday. I still don't know why some people have come into my life. I just know that they have and there is a reason, even if I can't see it, He can.

Just some people that I love.

Friday, June 10, 2011


I don't know what I did with my time before these people came into my life. How truly blessed I am. These three people are my study budies, however when we get together we do not get much studying done. But oh how I love them. They make me laugh and because of them I have a few rare moments that I don't feel stressed or overwhelmed. Its amazing how someone you barely know can change your life so very much.


I think I found my new look. What do you think?

Monday, June 6, 2011

I think too much

My head hurts. I think too much. When I am in class I think about what the teacher is saying, trying my best to translate it into something I can understand, at church I think mostly about the Christ and other spiritual things, at council I think about my ambassadors and other members of my council, at home I think about homework and still the people involved with student support, at the temple I think about my future, and the persons that have passed on and the reason that I am there doing their work, you get the point, I think a lot. Most of things are important, however, it is the time where I am walking to class, or brushing my teeth, or laying in bed, that my thoughts really wander. I think about what I am going to wear the next day, or if I die unmarried do you think I will marry a stripling warrior, there has to be some that didn't get married right? or how in the world do all the blood vessels in your body equal 60,000 miles? or So and so said this today I wonder what that means? or what would I look like blonde? or if I have five marbles and Jimmy has 12 marbles, how many marbles do we have together? and how the heck did he get so many? Just kidding, I don't ever think that, but again you get the point, I think a lot. Our minds are amazing instruments that have the ability to think about all these things, all at the same time. I just love it. I love that Heavenly Father made us so perfectly that we have to capability to think too much without even trying. Life is good. Life is great. I still think too much but that's okay.

Weird is Normal

I have this bad habit of watching people, it's not my fault, if people didn't act the way they do I would not have to watch them. However, I was sitting at my study (observation) bench where when it is warm outside I go and study (watch people), and decided people are weird. They say weird things, do weird things, and the weird thing is, those weird people think they are normal. I see someone doing something that I would consider to be violating the code of societal conduct, and then I cast judgment, stereotypically classifying them as different, or in the case of this blog, weird. Today I thought to myself I really wonder what their parents taught them to make them act like that, must have been a weird family, like really what kind of example was set in their home? It made me start to think, weird I know, about the way I acted, I like to think that I was raised in a normal home, my parents are normal, but then I think about what I have become. It made me laugh, because I realized well I am one of the weirder ones, I am a 20 year old college student who scooters on campus, runs around bare foot, plays duck duck goose on the library quad, had a sword fight in the same location, laughs hysterically at the dumbest things, says random things, doorbell ditches the guy I have a mega crush on, runs for fun, studies till late at night, gallops on my way to class, sings in the middle of the crossroads, cries in the park, takes walks by myself, and a million other things that others consider to be super weird. I however think I am one hundred percent normal. So moral of the story, everyone is weird but dont worry it is normal to be weird.
PS Is weird not a weird word? This world we live in is a weird place for sure.