My head hurts. I think too much. When I am in class I think about what the teacher is saying, trying my best to translate it into something I can understand, at church I think mostly about the Christ and other spiritual things, at council I think about my ambassadors and other members of my council, at home I think about homework and still the people involved with student support, at the temple I think about my future, and the persons that have passed on and the reason that I am there doing their work, you get the point, I think a lot. Most of things are important, however, it is the time where I am walking to class, or brushing my teeth, or laying in bed, that my thoughts really wander. I think about what I am going to wear the next day, or if I die unmarried do you think I will marry a stripling warrior, there has to be some that didn't get married right? or how in the world do all the blood vessels in your body equal 60,000 miles? or So and so said this today I wonder what that means? or what would I look like blonde? or if I have five marbles and Jimmy has 12 marbles, how many marbles do we have together? and how the heck did he get so many? Just kidding, I don't ever think that, but again you get the point, I think a lot. Our minds are amazing instruments that have the ability to think about all these things, all at the same time. I just love it. I love that Heavenly Father made us so perfectly that we have to capability to think too much without even trying. Life is good. Life is great. I still think too much but that's okay.
I sure love youuu!