Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just so you know

At this very moment my mission papers are in Salt Lake City. Church Headquarters. Where President Monson is. Assigning me to a mission. Somewhere in this world. Ah. I'm peeing my pants I am so excited. If I am calculating right (don't be too hopeful I failed math...twice) my mission call will be here next Thursday. I can't belive it is actually happening. I want to sing, laugh, cry, scream, jump for joy, run away, ask for them back, and leave right now. All at the same time. Stayed tuned for the unveiling. I'll let you know as soon as I know.


  1. Woo hoo!!! this is really quite exciting!! You will be such an awesome missionary.

  2. That is very exciting. I will keep watching for an update.
