Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Let Me See Your Happy Face

Smile brighter and laugh harder. It will make your day a whole lot better. I started laughing the other day at the littlest thing and I ended in tears, have no fear they were happy. I just couldn't stop and man I felt good, that's what I needed was a good laugh. Medicine thats what it is. I decided that every morning I have a choice to make. I have can be a waney pants, be a negative nancy and be miserable all the time because I have decided to make the worse of every situation and because I didn't get my way or I can be a happy, cheerful, take life as it comes kind a girl and help peoples lives change for the better. I know which one sounds better but as always, easier said then done. but even making it my goal is one step in the right direction right?

So smile and show the world your pearly whites!

What To Do With All This Time

Ever since school got out for summer break I feel like I have done absolutely nothing, but then I look back and I have been constantly busy. In the last 5 or so weeks I have been training for the race, going to the temple, traveling, finding a job, getting a job, shopping, babysitting, cleaning, camping, attending weddings and bachelorette parties, going to the zoo, working at a rodeo, I went to 2 farewells, 1 homecoming, filling out scholorship, grant and loan information, deciding on a major, going to dinner with friends, read all the Harry Potter books(7), watched all the Harry Potter movies(6), had 2 disney movie marathons, wrote 7 letters, started reading the scriptures again, worked on my cooking skills, scootered around the greenbelt, and really just hanging out with my fabulous family and friends. Whoa. I know some of those things are small and not neccessarily productive but they all have made me so happy. I really have nothing to complain about. Atleast I am doing something with the time I have here.

I Bought a Pair of Dress Pants

..Actually I bought two pairs. Why you ask? Because I am now a working girl. I have never owned nor have I ever wanted to own dress pants. They just don't really fit me right and are not the bottoms I would chose to wear on a daily basis. Well I got a job a Fred Meyer working in apparel, and we are required to dress somewhat professional so we can make a good impression. So I went shopping with my mom and sister to pick out some clothes that would be suitable. My wardrobe seems to be lacking all things business. After I purchased them I went home and tried them on for my mother, and I felt so grown up, it was weird how a little thing like that can make you feel so much more mature. I still don't like them-that's not what I am saying but I do like the way they make me feel. Awe look at me. So grown up and wearing dress pants. ha.
I have to go to many hours of training and today was just the first six hours. So much to learn. I sat in a room with one other person and signed paper after paper. It was crazy, but well it feels good to actually be doing something. I even got my own name tag that is engraved (don't be jealous), a box cutter, and an apron, plus the job comes with all sorts of benefits, discounts, and rewards. It really will be a great job and I am excited for what it is going to bring.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


So I have been babysitting my neighbors kids while they finish their house out in Osgood. And what an adventure this has been. They are three boys ranging in age 7 (almost 8) to 3, and they have a TON of energy. I cannot figure out how to keep my eyes on all of them at the same time. I do love kids, but having three kids at once is just not my forte, I guess I have a lot of learning to do. They really are great boys though for the most part they play well together I have to break up the occasional fight but once I threaten to take away the toy it is quickly resolved. One thing I love about kids in general is how honest they are about things, pure innocence and I love it. The oldest boy is the smartest 7 year old I have every met. He was telling me about operatives and how he wanted to take a DNA class because he was really into that stuff. It was hilarious he is so grown up. We were eating lunch the other day, and one of them asked me if I was married. I replied "ha no I am not married, and I don't really want to be just yet" he looked at me for a second and said "but Chelsey you are a girl!" As if that point alone should convince me to get married! Kids say the darnest things. The littlest one changes his mind everyday whethere or not he likes me. When I give him a snack or let him play with playdough he says "I really like you" but when I won't let him do something like jump on the trampoline he says " I don't like you anymore." It breaks my heart, but its still so cute the way he says it. It is the honest truth, I wish I could show more innocence in my life, but I let myself get too caught up in the world. I have made it my goal to be as a child. Innocent, loving, happy, and very energetic.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Always the Bridesmaid Never the Bride

Does dressing up in your sisters' wedding colors make you a bridesmaid? Well if not then I have only been an actual bridesmaid twice! So really I haven't missed out on being a bride. Yet. This last weekend, one of my roommates from school got married in the Rexburg, ID temple, and she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids! I said yes! I mean I was the one that kind of made this little magical love happen! Without a me there would be no them! One of the duties of the maids of the bride was to plan the Bachelorette party, in this case the most epic bridal shower you will ever witness! So a week before the big day, about eight of us went up to a tiny cabin near Heise Hot Springs and stayed the night! We opened presents, talked, ate food, and went swimming, it was a success! I think all of the girls had a blast, and Kale got some greatly scandalous things! Which might I add it was quite the experience to shop for some of those things! It was a great last hurrah! Friday was the big day so I came home early from the camping trip, got ready, and headed to the temple to wait for the new couple! It was hot! But it was a great day for a wedding! Apparently a lot of other people did too, there were at least seven other brides in just the hour we were there! Gotta love the Burg! and I do! She looked beautiful, the dinner and reception went great, and they lived happily ever after! Well they made it through the weekend at least!

And So It Begins...

I knew there would come a time in my life when my friends started getting married! But I never really thought I would reach this time would come quite so soon! Woe is me! It has already started, I have seen three close friends already walk down the isle, figuratively of course, I haven't actually seen them, but you get the point, and now I hear the possible wedding bells of five more friends! WOE WOE is me! I feel old! At this rate I am going to be the only one left! Just saying....Single and LOVING every second of it! I mean come on I am only 19! I do however wish the happy newlyweds Good luck, and I hope they know I am so happy for them and love them all very much!

Becoming One With Nature

I love camping! It is the ideal way to spend a weekend away from the hustle and bustle of life. We traded in the comfort of our home, our hot showers, cozy, warm beds, indoor plumbing, all of our technology and electricity, FOR camp chefs, camp fire, dirt, pouring rain, four wheelers, not so cozy beds, laterns and a whole lot of fun! This weekend was the Hillman Family Reunion 2010, the campsite was up in Spencer about an hour and a half from my parents house in Idaho Falls! All weekend we went riding, ate delicious food, played some very fun minute to win it games, read, got stuck in a rain storm, and just hung out with the fam! By Sunday morning, everyone was tired, dirty, and ready to use an actual bathroom, but it was still sad to leave the peace and calm of the forest and head back to life! Some pictures from the weekend.