Thursday, August 26, 2010


So I have been babysitting my neighbors kids while they finish their house out in Osgood. And what an adventure this has been. They are three boys ranging in age 7 (almost 8) to 3, and they have a TON of energy. I cannot figure out how to keep my eyes on all of them at the same time. I do love kids, but having three kids at once is just not my forte, I guess I have a lot of learning to do. They really are great boys though for the most part they play well together I have to break up the occasional fight but once I threaten to take away the toy it is quickly resolved. One thing I love about kids in general is how honest they are about things, pure innocence and I love it. The oldest boy is the smartest 7 year old I have every met. He was telling me about operatives and how he wanted to take a DNA class because he was really into that stuff. It was hilarious he is so grown up. We were eating lunch the other day, and one of them asked me if I was married. I replied "ha no I am not married, and I don't really want to be just yet" he looked at me for a second and said "but Chelsey you are a girl!" As if that point alone should convince me to get married! Kids say the darnest things. The littlest one changes his mind everyday whethere or not he likes me. When I give him a snack or let him play with playdough he says "I really like you" but when I won't let him do something like jump on the trampoline he says " I don't like you anymore." It breaks my heart, but its still so cute the way he says it. It is the honest truth, I wish I could show more innocence in my life, but I let myself get too caught up in the world. I have made it my goal to be as a child. Innocent, loving, happy, and very energetic.

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