Thursday, July 7, 2011

I waited a long time...

for the fourth July to roll around, and finally it did. In case you didn't know, it is my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving, like it. Christmas, love it. Fourth of July, absolutely adore it. I love the fireworks, I love the thousands of people that gather around the river in Idaho Falls, I love the colors, I love the reason we have to celebrate such a thing, I love the people who gave their lives to give me the things I have today, I love my family coming to sit with my friends and me, I love that I have friends who sit with me for 12 hours in the sun. It is just such a great holiday. This year Lori, Heather, Alli and myself woke up early(ish) and drove down to the parade. It was good but really long. We gathered up quite the load of candy and we even ended up with a free tie. From the parade we went to the river, where we slept, studied, ate, and walked around the festivities. Around 2 o'clock our friends started showing up so we played more games, and ate even more food. It felt so nice to just relax and take in what was happening around us. My family even decided to come and sit with all of us crazy college students, everyone loved the babies, and they think my mom is pretty awesome. As do I. The fireworks started at about 10:06, it was a delightful showing. It was so pretty, we were in the perfect spot, right on the river with no trees blocking our view, we had a clear view of the water so we could watch the reflection of the fireworks in the river. After the show we hurried to Heath's car and attempted to make a quick get away. Yeah. It didn't work out so fabulously. It took us about 2 hours to get home, but it was a really fun drive home, so it was alright. I LOVE the fourth of July, and I eagerly anticipate next years festivities.

You have to find new ways to entertain yourself after 10 hours of sitting.

Eating Dinner.

The "red coats"

Staking out our spot.


Oh and did I mention that we bought matching outfits? Are they not the best? I love my friends.

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