Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Things you forget

Sometimes I wish I was little again. There. I said it. Growing up, in not so many words, is crappy. Something about responsibility. Maturity. Bills. College. Career. Marriage. Whatever. I try not to think about it too much. I forget what it is like to be a kid. I know. I know, I am still really young. But the truth is I have no recollection of what it is like to be one. Or two. Or three. Carefree. Wild. Smiley. Happy. Simply myself. I watched two of my nieces grow a year older this month. I watched both of them as their eyes lit up as they unwrapped their presents. Small things, that to them mean the world. Emma was soooo grateful for her Grinch. Taylor I thinked liked her cards more than anything. You forget. You forget how small things can account for so much. As we have grown we have slowly adapted to the worlds view of grandeur, simply to say that if its not big and expensive, it has no value, that you have no value. Big houses, fun toys, name brand clothes. Is that not what it is all about? Sometimes I think the world would be a better place if we all went back to being little. We would sure understand a little more about life. But that is just my personal opinion.

Some things I have forgotten:

That four dollars is really quite the chunk of change

How fun it is to pretend to be a cowgirl

What it is like to have tea parties with your best friend.

And so many other things.

So while I have to be the responsible (haha. right.) adult. I enjoy living a child-like life vicariously through my A-dorable nieces and nephews.

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